Monday, February 28, 2011
Votti (ਵੋੱਤੀ), Sotti (ਸੋੱਤੀ), ACL Tears and Getting Fit Again!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Of Blooming Jasmines, Mad Dogs and Sons of Bitches.....
Sunday, February 13, 2011
A Journey Through Spice & Coffee Country....
Plantation Trails -- The rutted paths lead us deeper into the heart of the plantation.... The lovely greens and the constant chirping of birds give us a spring in each step we take!
The sun rises, lifting the veil of mist through the greens.....
The plantation has quite a magical and enchanting feel to it. Look at the pure dewdrops dropping from the leaves... Why couldn't we see this in the city each day?
And we walk on, in amazement and in wonder, thinking of the bounties of nature, that we never notice.... Each step we take rustles the dried leaves on the rutted path!!!!
The coffee plant glistens in the morning sun...... and berries drink in the golden rays to give you the robustness of your morning cup!
A coffee plantation always gives more than coffee. These tiny chllies that grow in coffee plantations are quite a bomb, they can make your skin burn for long.
And pepper too!!! Numerous wars were fought in the medieval era for the fruit of these vines. Some say the Crusades were fought to secure the spice routes.
But here humble pepper corns wait to reach your dinner table!!
The brilliant blue sky, what a lovely morning!
The ants are preparing to call this coffee leaf their home
A lovely example of his wondrous ecosystem thrives. The spider that makes this web lives in burrow beneath. The web traps pests (insects) that thrive on the coffee plant!
A lazy day in the plantation!
These berries will someday be ground into aromatic coffee, which will find its way into your cup!
Gently flows the Cauvery!!!
Such a pristine environment!!!
Would love to spend more time here!!!
Waterbodies in the plantation complement the ecosystem!!!
You should not be surprised to see this in a plantation. As jackfruits ripen, elephants come into the plantations from the reserves to feast on them....
And that's vanilla pod, which left permanent stain on my denims! The aroma was amazing!
And that's a cardamom.....
And the sun sets on the plantation!!!
And watching the sun go down on the Kodagu hills is an unforgettable experience.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The Fall of Hosni - A Cataclysmic Event?
Thursday, February 3, 2011
恭喜發財 - Kung Hei Fat Choy!!!!
Long ago in the mountains, there lived a horrible demon creature named Nian, 年獸. On the first day of the year, Nian would awaken and come to the villages. He would eat all the grain and livestock. And if there were any kids stuck outside, they would disappear.The villagers lived in fear of this beast and locked up inside their homes on this night to protect their families. One year, right before this event was to occur, an old man visited the village. He turned to the villagers and asked, "Why do you fear this creature such? You are many and he is but one. Surely he could not swallow all of you."
But the villagers remained skeptical and locked themselves up anyway. That night, Nian did not come. The old man had ridden him until dawn and the creature went back to its cave hungry. This went on for several nights until the old man revealed, "I cannot protect you forever."
Soon the old man went away. The villagers were terrified that once the old man left, they would once again see Nian return.So the old man informed them, "The beast is easily scared. He does not like the color red. He fears loud noises and strange creatures. So tonight, spread red across the village. Hang red signs on every door. Make loud noises with drums, music, and fireworks. And to protect your children, give them face masks and lanterns to protect them."The villagers still took precautions, but there was one little kid, wearing a red cape, who scampered out. Nian on seeing the kid ran away, never to return back again.

Wonder what the Year of The Rabbit brings in for our world with all the turmoil in the Arab world and at home, in India, the state of paralysis in the government.