Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mango Orgy Time!!!!

The Monsoon is around the corner and the mango season is going to get over soon.
This mango season began with Alphonso mangoes priced at Rs. 100 per piece, way back in early April. Now the rates have fallen down to about Rs. 30-40 apiece.
Alphonso mangoes are native to the Konkan coast. The sweltering heat makes the mangoes ripen to a warm-sweet aroma. Dealers at Mumbai's Crawford Market are said to make a fortune exporting Alphonsos - some are gossiped to make upto a crore a day exporting Alphonsos to the Gulf and the West.
But, for us the falling mango prices are boon. Yesterday, despite glares and admonishments from Neeti, I picked up a dozen, yes, it's right - a dozen organically ripened Alphonsos at Godrej Nature's Basket yesterday. And after we got the box of Alphonsoes home, the kitchen filled up with a unique sweet aroma in no time at all.
And now its time for a mango orgy. Neeti has a magical way with mangoes - the mangoes have been neatly deskinned and diced. They would go into a bowl of sweetened cream and right into the fridge for at least half an hour.

But for us to continue to enjoy Alphonsoes, climate change has to be controlled. Changes in climate patterns and shift in the Monsoon cycles can wreak havoc on the king of all fruits. 
As I ponder over the future and wait expectedly for the magically aromatic orange-hued mango cream to emerge from the fridge, I got an unexpected bonus from Neeti - a chilled large glass of mango-shake!
Thank God, its mango orgy time!!!


Unknown said...

yo i love mangoes too :)

Bhavana said...

I love mangoes too--but Alfonosos are overrated. I like the ones from UP and Bihar more :)

Anonymous said...


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