
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Breakfast At Theobrama's...

On a whim, Neeti and I decided to head out to Powai for breakfast. Since we hadn't been to Theobrama's, we headed there....
The breakfast menu made for an interesting reading - one interesting egg preparation was named Kejriwal... "Toasted buns covered with a molten layer of chilly and cheese, topped with (2) fried eggs". At Rs. 200, it certainly wasn't the Aam Aadmi price.
I was certain, this Kejriwal was just like its namesake in Delhi, all promise and zero substance... and that urghhh feeling made me give it a pass...

Neeti settled for a spa omelette - the omelette came loaded with fresh herbs and chopped bell peppers, which was a definite plus....
But by definition, spa food is supposed to be low on oil - this omelette was definitely not those kinds. And the hashbrowns came loaded with oil, a bit letdown... I wonder if Kainaz Messman is acting in collusion with cardiologists to provide them with a steady stream of business...

My order was Eggs Benedict... the ham was chewy and nice, the poached eggs were runny, the kind I like, but the Hollandaise sauce tasted stale.... and the hashbrowns were a let down...

The only redemption for us was the cup of Twinings tea we had after this major letdown at Theobrama's. Not to mention the yummy brownies...
But, I would seriously suggest that Kainaz try out this stuff, herself, anonymously, and get the preparations spruced up...

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